Reflections on an atheistic sharpening stone
Since starting at the IRS, I've had a chance to listen to gobs and gobs of podcasts. Since all I do is type, I have the time and attention to listen to them. They mostly consist of sermons by different people. The ones, however, that have been hitting home for me are the ones by apologist, Ravi Zacharias. I'm sure some of you have heard of him. I won't go into his history. You can google him. The crowning feature about Ravi is his ability to logically explicate the nature of the Christian faith that in a way that uses reason, that does not forsake the Gospel, and that speaks to the heart. He is one of the best Christocentric apologists I've heard. He is highly intellecutal, but at the same time can bring the philosophy down to earth. Great skill.
About the same time that I had been listening to Ravi's podcasts, I thought I would search for him online to see if there were any other resources I could use or that would be interesting to me. This led me to, where else, You Tube. Some of you may not know this, but there are a ton of atheists, agnostics, skeptics, Christians, and everything in between that are voicing their opinions on YouTube. I must say, all of them have their good representatives and their bad ones. You'll find terrible, as well as convincing arguments for both atheism and Christianity. Anyway, there is a series of videos on there called, "Ravi Zacharias - Atheist Nightmare." First of all, the name of the series is terrible and automatically sets a tone of condescendence. Anyone who's heard Mr. Zacharias speak knows that this isn't his purpose. Anyway, I met a very nice atheist guy (psyjax is his handle) who was willing to enter a discussion with me. He was a classics major in college and a very intelligent atheist. I encourage you to check out his videos defending his atheism.
In all of our discussion, I have discovered one thing, though: he can't answer my questions on morality. Either he is avoiding them, or just isn't getting around to them. As I continue to read more papers and defenses of other atheists, I'm finding this to be true as well. They keep arguing in circles. Also, as I continue to read about their views, I am more convinced that they are atheists, not because of logic and sufficient or insufficient evidence, but because of morality.
Reality itself tells us that the depravity of man is universal in all cultures, faiths, and societies. All one needs to be is human to understand this. The atheist cannot seem to come up with an answer as to why this exists or what to do about it. He can't deal with his morality. It isn't that there is not sufficient evidence to prove the existence of God. It is that he is suppressing the evidence to create his own truth, that is simply not able to stand up to reality. Psyjax (again, he is a very nice, intelligent guy), while he is most likely a moral guy, can't give me a reason that he should be moral. Why not live like Hitler? Or the converse, why live like Mother Theresa? They are playing word games. They have no foundation on which to stand when it comes to morailty. I asked psyjax, after I observed his wearing of a wedding ring, what motivates him to remain monogomous to his wife. I have yet to hear a reply. He seems to have answers for other issues of human experience (meaning, pain, origin of life, etc.), but they do not remain consitent with each other or the rest of his arguments.
I tell you all of that simply to share with you how I've been growing through the whole process. God has been using psyjax (perhaps to the chagrin of Mr. psyjax) to sharpen my skills at defending the very core of who I am. At the same time, these arguments are very succeptable to the pride that can ensue and the negative banter that can result. This is also something God has been teaching me: how to remain faithful to the purity of the Gospel and loving to psyjax, a lamb of Christ. You see, one of the beautiful things about the Christian faith is that, even though psyjax rejects the existence of God, Christ still died for psyjax and loves him fiercly and pursuingly! Psyjax's rejection, however, still saddens my heart. Ravi Zacharias puts it well when he says that "when you don't love me, I am hurt, because I have lost something. When you don't love God, he is hurt as well, but not because he has lost something, but because you have lost something." I pray that God will use our discussions to soften psyjax's heart to realize the truth of the Gospel.
I apologize (pun completely intended) if this was a bit random and ill-cohesed. It is 3:20 am. I challenge all of you who read this to scrutinize what you believe and why. You will be blessed with a deeper appreciation of the truth that you will find in the process.
About the same time that I had been listening to Ravi's podcasts, I thought I would search for him online to see if there were any other resources I could use or that would be interesting to me. This led me to, where else, You Tube. Some of you may not know this, but there are a ton of atheists, agnostics, skeptics, Christians, and everything in between that are voicing their opinions on YouTube. I must say, all of them have their good representatives and their bad ones. You'll find terrible, as well as convincing arguments for both atheism and Christianity. Anyway, there is a series of videos on there called, "Ravi Zacharias - Atheist Nightmare." First of all, the name of the series is terrible and automatically sets a tone of condescendence. Anyone who's heard Mr. Zacharias speak knows that this isn't his purpose. Anyway, I met a very nice atheist guy (psyjax is his handle) who was willing to enter a discussion with me. He was a classics major in college and a very intelligent atheist. I encourage you to check out his videos defending his atheism.
In all of our discussion, I have discovered one thing, though: he can't answer my questions on morality. Either he is avoiding them, or just isn't getting around to them. As I continue to read more papers and defenses of other atheists, I'm finding this to be true as well. They keep arguing in circles. Also, as I continue to read about their views, I am more convinced that they are atheists, not because of logic and sufficient or insufficient evidence, but because of morality.
Reality itself tells us that the depravity of man is universal in all cultures, faiths, and societies. All one needs to be is human to understand this. The atheist cannot seem to come up with an answer as to why this exists or what to do about it. He can't deal with his morality. It isn't that there is not sufficient evidence to prove the existence of God. It is that he is suppressing the evidence to create his own truth, that is simply not able to stand up to reality. Psyjax (again, he is a very nice, intelligent guy), while he is most likely a moral guy, can't give me a reason that he should be moral. Why not live like Hitler? Or the converse, why live like Mother Theresa? They are playing word games. They have no foundation on which to stand when it comes to morailty. I asked psyjax, after I observed his wearing of a wedding ring, what motivates him to remain monogomous to his wife. I have yet to hear a reply. He seems to have answers for other issues of human experience (meaning, pain, origin of life, etc.), but they do not remain consitent with each other or the rest of his arguments.
I tell you all of that simply to share with you how I've been growing through the whole process. God has been using psyjax (perhaps to the chagrin of Mr. psyjax) to sharpen my skills at defending the very core of who I am. At the same time, these arguments are very succeptable to the pride that can ensue and the negative banter that can result. This is also something God has been teaching me: how to remain faithful to the purity of the Gospel and loving to psyjax, a lamb of Christ. You see, one of the beautiful things about the Christian faith is that, even though psyjax rejects the existence of God, Christ still died for psyjax and loves him fiercly and pursuingly! Psyjax's rejection, however, still saddens my heart. Ravi Zacharias puts it well when he says that "when you don't love me, I am hurt, because I have lost something. When you don't love God, he is hurt as well, but not because he has lost something, but because you have lost something." I pray that God will use our discussions to soften psyjax's heart to realize the truth of the Gospel.
I apologize (pun completely intended) if this was a bit random and ill-cohesed. It is 3:20 am. I challenge all of you who read this to scrutinize what you believe and why. You will be blessed with a deeper appreciation of the truth that you will find in the process.
Very nice. Though I am Christian and have no reason to quantify the opinions or reasoning of Atheists, Einstein at one time wrote of a "universal morality" that inherently exists and that people by human nature want to do right by each other. It's a little like sympathetic tones. When one note sounds, everything that can vibrate at that frequency does, and therefore creates sympathetic tones. Nobody would say that sympathetic tones are an act of morality, yet when a baby cries in a room full of babies, the same sympathetic outcry occurs. Could it be a law of science?
I can't help but wince when I see some horrible accident. Is it that I am moral or is it that I would rather not feel it and therefore sympathize with someone who is?
If that is the case, why not also make the argument that if ones feelings get hurt, sympathy kicks in, and therefore by mere sympathetic gesture we prevent ourselves from entering into hurtful interactions?
I'm not doubting your argument, i'm honing your skill :)
Joe, at 10:16 AM
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